Category: LIYC

Ewing – An Inspiration For Sailors With Disability

Bob Ewing took position and in his wheelchair, he rolls up to his sailboat with the nonchalance of a seasoned sailor.

The wheelchair that he used for everything, he parked it alongside the boat of 22-foot long, anchors it to the dock, after then lifts his legs, which are paralyzed over the gunwale of boat gunwale and by taking the help of a volunteer, slowly slides his lanky frame of the wheelchair and accommodated themselves into the cockpit.

As Ewing settles in at the rudder, he turns to his companion of sailing on the dock, asking them to remove their wheelchairs, crutches and slide aboard.

It was all faster than one can sing a sea shanty; Ewing was in the boat and started his two-hour sail in the Washington Lake. Read More

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